Monday, March 23, 2009

Metro Jam '09

So it takes a long time to upload photos and I had some computer problems that are all solved now. The photos are up online on Flickr. Here's the link: J-CO Photography's Flickr account or click on the "Metro Jam '09" tittle.

Not all the photos can fit on the flickr site so there are much more on the photobucket site as well: J-CO Photography's Photobucket account

Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!


Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Aruba '08 Pt1

I have finally had some free time to go over these photos during a class and on the tube (subway). So here it is:

During the Winter break I was in Aruba having an amazing time under the sun and walking on the beach and going into down- there was a lot more time spent on the beach and watching people do the most interesting things. Hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do.
Note: This is only part one. Part two is awesome!!!
To check the entire image please double click on it.


Aruba '08 Pt2

Here is part two.
Written summary is in part 1.
Note: To view entire image lease double click on it.