Friday, December 21, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Hello to all,
Happy Holidays! The main page picture was done by Luc from TREK NATURE. Important: no one will be able to post anything till January. So, you'll have to hold on till new and more exciting photos are up.
Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and take it easy- relax, you'll be able to panic in 2 weeks.
Here are some pretty cool photos in the mean time.

Congratulations to Mark Prata who was on MTV last night.

All of these are from different sites.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Toronto Ink Tattoo Studio and the Burkes Birthday

Yesterday was Jamie and Robbie Burkes birthday! Yay!!!! Jamie got a pretty sick tattoo at Toronto Ink Tattoo Studio by Mark Prata.
Here's a picture of it:

Anyways, it was a fun time at the studio and an even better night!

Birthday boy!

We are to call Mark Prata, Mark Prata!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Fun at the Warehouse

Last night was another great night at the Warehouse with lots of people coming out. We got tail-whips, backflips, foot-jams and more! Here are the following people I have pictures of (sorry ahead of time if I forget anyone):
Rob Saggs
Taylor Barwick
Chijioke Okafo
Cory Beal
Jamie Burke
Thomas Cook
Nick Busato
Ian Christison a.k.a: Fire-bush
Steven Moxley